Cam shows on!

Hello to all!
We've finally launched our own webcam show!
You can check it here:
Feel free to broadcast your hot cocks, titties and pussies to xHamster's users!
Opublikowano przez xHamster
13 lata/lat temu
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PuddingPott 2 lata/lat temu
How do i do live says device not supported. Please help.i use galaxy A32.
PuddingPott 2 lata/lat temu
I'm trying to go on cam
geoffs225 4 lata/lat temu
How do i enable my webcam on xhamster? it works on silverdaddies,but not on xhaster ? Please help.
Mclsub 4 lata/lat temu
how can i broacast rvrn gor free? 
vallonia 8 lata/lat temu
I'm confused , can I just cam as an amateur .
8vid-d 11 lata/lat temu
if we become gold memebers for Live cams,,,can we record the shows?
passionat_469 12 lata/lat temu
Its my favorite. porn site..
I had great cam to cam xperience..
Thanx to Xhamster..
.... love ittttttt
akamo 12 lata/lat temu
انحنى لها على كرسي وسحبت السراويل لها وسراويل داخلية وصولا الى الكاحلين لها. يفرك انه الحمار الخدين واعجاب ما الحمار مثير السلس انها. تنتشر ساقيها واسعة انه وإزالة سرواله حتى انه كان عاريا تماما الآن. وكان صاحب الديك الصخور الصلبة ويديه مداعب الحمار. فكر لحظة ستدخل صاحب الديك الحمار ضيق. يحب يشعر الوقت الذي كان يسعى إلى حفرة ضيقة لها. أعطى الحمار 6 صفعات من الصعب جدا. أحبت دائما أن يضرب الثابت قبل أن مارس الجنس لها العضو التناسلي النسوي. جعل الردف لها الرطب جدا.
akamo 12 lata/lat temu
انحنى لها على كرسي وسحبت السراويل لها وسراويل داخلية وصولا الى الكاحلين لها. يفرك انه الحمار الخدين واعجاب ما الحمار مثير السلس انها. تنتشر ساقيها واسعة انه وإزالة سرواله حتى انه كان عاريا تماما الآن. وكان صاحب الديك الصخور الصلبة ويديه مداعب الحمار. فكر لحظة ستدخل صاحب الديك الحمار ضيق. يحب يشعر الوقت الذي كان يسعى إلى حفرة ضيقة لها. أعطى الحمار 6 صفعات من الصعب جدا. أحبت دائما أن يضرب الثابت قبل أن مارس الجنس لها العضو التناسلي النسوي. جعل الردف لها الرطب جدا.
akamo 12 lata/lat temu
ماكو بنات عربيات
akamo 12 lata/lat temu
hvd] hkd[ fkj
have read alot of comments and it seems to me that there needs to be some type of seperation between the amatuers going on for the thrill of it and the professional models. Have been watching some of the cams and it could be a little confusing. Even just a seperate page for both. just a suggestion ;b love xhamster love your work thanks for the great site
BodyBetterThanATeen 12 lata/lat temu
This needs to be reposted and reannounced again as it only was mentioned once that I can see back in 2011 - There are *New Live Cams Models* - Myself included as of only less than a couple of weeks ago and now it makes sense to me why most members say they do not even know that the LIVE CAMS feature exists -
replaydona 12 lata/lat temu
Great job :smile:
I wish I can make my webpage like xhamster :smile:
sms52 12 lata/lat temu
I have really enjoyed most of your cam show woman..Except for 2 woman who banned me for reasons unknown to me.I have not said or done anything that was offensive that i know of.I dont think i will buy credits..I may stop visiting your sight all together.I just don,t understand being banned for using CAPS...Or because they dont spend credits the way the Models want them to..Thats my opinion for what it is worth...Thank you...
habbi 12 lata/lat temu
can you please make a new Cam categorie 'Favorites'? Where only cams are listed that are on my Favorite User List?
that would be great
SweetLilKitten 12 lata/lat temu
oh mb i was wrong im thinking it records your cam session so you can post videos of your self like pics.
SweetLilKitten 12 lata/lat temu
i love it. i suggested the idea actually...well one of the ppl to. im currious if i can get my old cam shows back?
Sexperimentor 12 lata/lat temu
Also all users desires to expose themselves live to whoever chooses to watch just for the excitement of it and the whole premise Xhamster was built upon. It is quickly moving into the place where sites are framed around. Girls only doing it for money and not socializing with other people in the room unless she knows tips might be coming. I liked to go on and just get good old chit chat and good clean fun with other users. We used to know it was because she wanted to broadcast for the sheer excitement and joy exhibiting herself nude online, not for the capitalist within the user to drain pockets of hard earned money. There are countless sites to see and pay for this already, do we really need it here as well. I think it is something to consider even though I realize the creators and webmasters of Xhamster want their piece of the pie too. Though do you want to just become part of the gang or still be the public servants to all us that just love and want top share porn in a non profitable sense. Thanks for listening.
Sexperimentor 12 lata/lat temu
Yeah starting to agree with "pete74" on the shift from the free exchange of porn related pics, videos and stories .
pete74 12 lata/lat temu
seems to av turned into cams for pros was better when us real members broad casted n chatted
Tilly01 13 lata/lat temu
Several of the cams are banning women for no reason except that they are a woman. This is not fair. I have been banned several times from cam shows for doing NOTHING at all. When they see a woman they hit the ban button. PLEASE stop the discrimination.
spacebarslim 13 lata/lat temu
I have been watching the live video contest for some time now and i have noticed. The winners are all combined together meaning Singles and couples and g/g T all compete for the same viewers. What Im saying, if you notice cpls and g/g will normally get more viewers then a single female and on and on. I think the contest winners should be for each category and not combined or what you will find is single girls wont be able to win as much as cpls or g/g meaning 2 people on cam
SCIPIMAN 13 lata/lat temu
I love the cam shows. Could u create an option that allows only friends to chat to the people on cam and turn everone elses chat off. There are sum people that come on to spam and beg on the chat. Its hard for friends to have a conversation with the people on cam when this is happening.
hornyq8ty 13 lata/lat temu
exactly what i want to say
thanks (theone3388)
there are a few people that are constantly going on then cover there cam so you cant see. These are the people that are only on there to win the money. If they do win they don't deserve it. /Another problem i have is there is a couple that goes on they shot the first few times live and they show a recording later to boost there winnings. Pisses me off that people want to cheat. There are a lot that are true and live, Good job with the camshow amazing addition to xhamster!!!1
AngeloAstor 13 lata/lat temu
zu viele Männer ,die als frauen online gehen !
meistens Langweilig
dog45 13 lata/lat temu
it is v v good
theone3388 13 lata/lat temu
Love the cams but there are a few people that are constantly going on then cover there cam so you cant see. These are the people that are only on there to win the money. If they do win they dont deserve it. I mark them as spam everytime. Another problem i have is there is a couple that goes on they shot the first few times live and they show a recording later to boost there winnings. Pisses me off that people want to cheat. There are alot that are true and live, one in particular is imnotanangel wow she is always live when she goes on. Good job with the camshow amazing addition to xhamster!!!1
imperiusxxx 13 lata/lat temu
Nice Christmas greatings from:
dandrew1 13 lata/lat temu
1.At first glance one cannot tell whether one has chosen a straight, gay or bi-cam broadcaster. This generates a little discomfort when one is constantly told : "Go Away".
2. To check each profile individually FOR THIS DETAIL alone, when choosing a cam - is a totally unecessary chore and quite off-putting actually. Indeed, one cannot check the broadcaster's profile until the cam is open, and I've found that I get the "Go Away" order before the profile comes up !!
3. No-one wants the feeling that he is unwelcome and is intruding in sites he doesn't eventually want and before, almost by accident, he finds one that is mutually suitable.
4. The "Go Away" message is in itself offensive. One is not an illicit deserves such aggresion.....what will you do when people start reacting to that with strong (and equally unecessary) language of their own in reply ? Something along the lines of "You may have chosen an unsuitable cam....." would be a better put-down message to send the searcher further along the road.

5. But all this would be solved by marking the cam-pictures up for choice with S B or G accordingly. We can all see for ourselves that the broadcaster is M or F.

Many thanks for listening - Dandrew1