do iam_sojourner :Precisely. You know what works and what is just for visual titillation. In fact, a St. Andrew's cross, hammock swing or traditional whipping horse would have rendered he far more accessible and enabled repeated use of her by all and sundry at the party.
do bushido84 :Not really a good position for fucking her cunt and arse because the rungs on the other side of the frame mean you cannot get up close to either the cunt or arse to thrust inside her. For that she would have had be be tied in the opposite direction since this end there is space to get up close, in which case her mouth is perfectly positioned to be filled with spunk. For fucking her arse she should ideally be face down and tied up in the opposite direction. I think frames like this are more visually erotic than practical equipment to use an a.b.u.s.e a submissive piece of fuck meat. The traditional St.Andrew's cross, hammock swing or even a traditional whipping horse are far more practical pieces of equipment.