The Legend of Lady Blue (1978, USA, film pełny, zgrywanie DVD)

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An erotic film about real people: Iris and Casey are sweethearts from a small town in South Dakota. Their friend, Shelby, makes up the trio, who leaves with Casey to join the Marines.

Opublikowano przez sound67
3 lata/lat temu
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lotus_juice 1 miesiąc temu
Nice classic 
HazelCar 5 mies. temu
Sexy 😃
garygone 2 lata/lat temu
I loved the scene with all those guys standing around stroking their cocks. It reminded me of some porn theaters i've been to. ; )
AshtarothsDisciple 2 lata/lat temu
No  matter  how many millions of times  I've  seen this , still  so adore  seeing  Maureen  peeling  down her knickers for Gloria the madam . Seeing the  rose pressed against Maureen's  aesthetically perfect petals and triangle of beautiful auburn pubic hair, the  intimacy and eroticism is  so charged  it's tangible .  Decades  later still has  my aching for Maureen's pussy.
AshtarothsDisciple 2 lata/lat temu
In  the  scene  with Gloria Leonard  treated    to the wonderful  explicit  close up detail  of  Maureen's divine pussy ,  Maureen's  pussy must feel  so  wonderful  to fuck  in that  intimate  sensual first  scene 
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